Look at the ads that these Boards has been promoting over the past six years, this latest ad that Worksafe Nova Scotia is running, is nothing more than exploiting a young workers death, while the company gets off with out a mention.
No, the Department of Labour here in Nova Scotia is suppose to be their to protect and serve the people of Nova Scotia, when in fact the Department of Labour is not doing as it should. Injured workers are not stupid; we know that the Minister of Labour is nothing more than a goalie, a mouth piece without power, put in this position to deflect controversy away from the Department and the Deputy Minister and her senior bureaucrats.
Families of those injured on the job have found themselves being downloaded onto Community Services, forced to live a life of poverty, and in more often than not watch their families split apart. According to a staff worker at Community Services, she claims the numbers of injured workers placed into their system has increased in the past 7 years.
Has anyone truly considered what it is that an injured worker loses once disabled from a workplace accident? Here in Canada, you lose your pension, your health care plan, you lose the opportunity to keep paying into the Canada pension plan and a host of other benefits.
It is also documented that injured workers due to the mistreatment and mental abuse they are forced to live under, which is being administer by WCB caseworkers and those contracted by the Workers Compensation System, have either attempted or succeeded in suicide. The mental abuse is nothing short of the kind of abuse one reads about that took that takes place in these prisoner of war camps. As a matter of fact, injured workers do not have as many rights as a prisoner of war.
Injured worker are now turning to youtube and google to tell their stories, and hopefully someday our stories will move some to push for new rules, because these old rules are not working for us. But they sure are working to protect the business community and well the fund is no longer being used as a fund for injured workers, it is being used to assist others in the business community and to run ads full of non truths.
I would like to see the Workers Compensation Program Nationalized, with our very own Ombudsman and Commissioner of Human Rights, which would be set up in every province, but controlled by Parliament.
The Federal Government are now very much involved with the provincial Workers Compensation Legislation as a full partner stakeholder, they should take one more step an complete the relationship by combining Canada Pension Disability and the Workers Compensation fund.
Wayne Coady
Injured and Abused Workers’ Coalition
Black History Month: The Story of Africville
7 years ago
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