Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Page 4

In an effort at self aggrandisement and to make themselves seem more vital to the public, the Workplace Safety division of the Department of Labour for the Province of Nova Scotia has gone so far as to expending thousands of public dollars for the production of television “public service ads” to tell their story. The underlying reason behind these and other similar PSA’s is their feeble attempt to mitigate critical complaints that have embarrassed them by showing them in their true colours.

One particularly maudlin piece recounts the death of a young man who was killed as the result of what can only be termed employer negligence. This sickening example of crass cynicism utilizes the young man’s family in manner that can only be termed exploitive. No mention is ever made that this young man might be alive if, perhaps, there had been someone there to monitor his workplace and dictate safe work practices.

There wasn’t anyone on that job site to police and make safety a priority … thus proactively circumventing a needless and preventable death. Workers in Nova Scotia are maimed or killed on a regular basis and the best the public can ever expect from a toothless (or useless) Department of Labour is a cursory investigation of the circumstances, after the fact, and the hollow sympathies of the officials who should have been able to prevent such happenings, if they were really doing their job. Unfortunately, there is no political will to actually enforce and test those laws that are already on the books.

It is far more important to create the perception that the public is getting value for the millions it is forced to donate to the various organizations who profess to be concerned about workplace safety and injured workers.

I mentioned earlier how the proliferation of the internet has been making it more difficult for the WCB and governments, in general, to continue to keep its misdeeds and transgressions, especially as they apply toward injured and abused workers, out of the public eye. In Canada, the politicians’ old tricks of “divide and conquer” are meeting their match as Canadians are given the opportunities to compare notes and situations.

The internet has been a boon to those injured and abused workers who have been denied claims as the result of unjust and, sometimes illegal, practices that, hitherto, were known only to them. Injured workers now are banding together and learning from their peers how to put up a fairer fight against the injustices they have had to endure from the WCB and governments who back it.

For those who would maintain that most injured workers are after “something for nothing” or “scamming” the WCB, I would suggest they look closer to determine who is really scamming whom.

Who stands to make the most money? I can assure, in my experience it is not the much maligned injured worker who profits from his injuries. The real profiteers are the lawyers, the doctors and specialists, the psychologists, the massage therapists, the occupational therapists, and others who have been blessed with a never-ending stream of “clients” who provide them all with very good ( professional ) incomes … as long as the claimants’ benefits can be denied … or delayed

1 comment:

  1. October 5, 2009

    To all injured workers:

    First of all the Meredith principle states that all moneys are to be paid out of the fund this includes the wages of the Board members and case workers adjudicators. Can you imagine our surprise? When we found out that the tax payer is really footing the bill this has been written in the Toronto star and several other publications and admitted to by a Toronto MP.

    This tells us that the Government has broken the Meredith agreement and they cannot claim to be arms length away from the Workers Compensation boards any longer because they are direct stakeholders in it and have been committing fraud against the very public that pays the bills in reality they have made the public stakeholders in these boards as well.

    Our relatives, the ones that are paying taxes are paying these caseworkers and adjudicators to torment and abuse injured workers.

    And the employers that are paying into the fund are really getting ripped off because they are paying the bill twice because they all pay personal income taxes plus business taxes and they have to pay into the fund in order to do business.

    But the real sad fact is we need to get our acts together and fight these people with every trick in the book. We have to sign petitions organize protest get t-shirts made up like Mike Beauchamp did dammed good idea. Whining and snivelling does no good I know your in pain and your life has been screwed up so has mine people have to get past the dark thoughts and focus on the light and that light is either reforming or destroying the WCB.

    I have a petition to get rid of the privative clauses out of the Workers’ Compensation Acts’. The section of the act called (Jurisdiction Of The Board) now you may think what good will that do but as it now stands even if you take your case to the Supreme the only thing they can do is send it back to the WCB to look at it again but if we get rid of this clause where they are protected by a Provincial Act of the legislature then we have a chance.

    I will be taking this petition not to the government because we know that they will ignore it but to the United Nations if we can embarrass these people on the world stage then maybe we will be able to force them to make a change.

    This is my petition link
