Wednesday, September 23, 2009

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The poor, unsuspecting claimant has no idea of these “arrangements” and is left to wonder why his or her claim has been denied … after the fact. The health “professionals” … and this includes doctors, and the legal profession, all profit (very well) from what has become a lucrative industry, built on the backs of injured workers.

Once again, a “good old boys” network has been established to take advantage of the disadvantaged. GREED rules.

I mentioned earlier that there are those WCB claimants who will tell you how wonderful they were treated and how satisfied they are with the services they received and the settlements they were awarded. What they don’t tell anyone is that the result of their situation and circumstances was predicated on politics and positioning. Generally, though, WCB decisions have a history of being arbitrary, if not outright negative, in a high percentage of cases.

As previously stated, the WCB (in Nova Scotia) has operated in bad faith with impunity, and no one is prepared to take them on.

I have documented the letters I have written to politicians, representing all of the parties both federally and provincially, along with the results. The majority of them did not even extend me the courtesy of a reply to my inquiries. Those few who did (reply), gave their best non-specific platitudes while committing to nothing. They did, however, wish me well in my endeavours.

This cynicism typifies the prevailing attitudes toward injured and severely disabled ( former taxpayers ) workers who, through fate, have become dependant on a system that touts “democratic” but really doesn’t exercise that morality or care about their situation.

Meanwhile the WCB, Department of Labour and various other so-called non-governmental organizations, whose paycheques exist because of injured workers, simply exploit them … any way they can.

I have developed documented proof from one injured worker’s case that the system is being exploited for gain. But, the perpetrator was not an injured worker … it was as the result of a person or persons manipulating things from within. This gentleman had been having never ending problems … until I encouraged him to demand an audit of his health care records. This audit is well within his rights as a taxpaying resident of Nova Scotia … but he was met with derision and negativity from the body concerned … they didn’t want to cooperate.

Then, he became adamant. As it turned out this man was a medical marvel … his MSI account had been charged with a hysterectomy. There were profuse apologies for the sloppy record keeping but, one has to wonder how many more instances exist where public money has been misapplied.

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