through the piling on of additional requirements from the WCB. Nice work if you can get it, for sure.
There does come the time, though, when the piper must be paid. When the injured worker has demonstrated to the health professionals that he/she is not able to return to gainful employment because of a limiting disability, sustained on the job that will, perhaps, preclude them from ever becoming actively employed.
It’s at this point that the WCB shows itself as a past master of duplicity and obfuscation … as injured workers are toyed with and lied to, all in an effort to develop plausible reasons (?) to deny them a rightful settlement that will sufficiently allow them to at least maintain a semblance of the lifestyle they had prior to their workplace injury.
After they have seen and consulted with all of the doctors, therapists and, if necessary, psychologists, and morality and ethics still concludes they should be paid benefits … the WCB has a record of delaying tactics that are designed to stress and, (hopefully) break theses people emotionally, physically, and, more importantly, financially.
You can’t afford much of a fight if your savings are drained and your last dollar has been taken to provide the basics of life.
This is where the WCB shines! Deny, Deny, Deny! Deny there is anything wrong with the claimant. Deny he or she is unemployable. Finally, deny the claim for the benefits that sustains their lives.
Who cares, anyway? Certainly not the trade union that used to be happy to extort “dues” from this former able-bodied worker. I’ve already shown just how caring politicians of all political stripes are.
There is certainly no pun intended here, but, when all other hope is gone, you’re pretty much at the end of your rope.
I’ve seen foreclosures as injured workers, no longer able to cover their mortgages, were thrown out of their homes … while, at the same time, the WCB made them jump through hoops in the belief that they were on the road to getting those benefits that they would eventually be denied.
I know of families broken apart as they faced financial ruin … while waiting for the WCB and it’s uncaring, detached (read apathetic) caseworkers decided if their claim was legitimate. Divorces and family break ups are not uncommon as financial stresses add to and exacerbate a bad situation.
One poor man who was toyed and jerked around by the WCB became inconsolable as he sank further and further into debt and despondency … as his dignity was slowly stolen from him.
Thanks to someone’s “oversight” at the WCB, this man committed suicide. His wife had come home from her job one day and couldn’t find him in the house. She finally looked in the garage and found her husband at the end of a rope he had rigged to hang himself. On his bench nearby she found the “Denial of Claim” letter from the WCB he had received earlier that day.
Black History Month: The Story of Africville
7 years ago
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